How to cancel Mevspace services from the Panel?
If you want to cancel the service and do not want to renew it, you can refuse it yourself using your Mevspace Panel.
Canceling a service means that after the expiration date, the service will be deleted from your Panel. A Proforma invoice will not be issued for the next billing period for that service.
You can cancel the service at any time. A service marked for deletion will be active until its expiration date.
If you already have a merged proforma invoice for two or more services and you want to renew only selected one, then canceling the server that you do not want to renew will change the proforma invoice. The services marked for deletion will be unsubscribed from the proforma invoice automatically.
Here is a short tutorial on how to do it:
Confirming the changes you have made completes the process.
All done! You have successfully canceled the service from the Mevspace Panel.